Tuesday, June 26, 2012

88-TV is back online!

A few months ago someone contacted me to say that 88TV was just looping "Who is" video. Who Is is a segment where you see the picture of someone today and have to guess who they are. I thought the comment was odd because there is 19 hours of video on 88TV - how could this be possible? I checked it out and it was true! Due to confusion, the hosting company deleted 18 hours of 88TV video!

Luckily I keep backups. But since 88TV has evolved over the years the backups are spread around in many different locations. It took a long time just to (A) assemble a list of everything that was missing (I didn't have a master list of the nearly 300 video files that had been loaded); (B) Locate all the video.

Once I found the video, the next step was uploading the massive amounts of video to the service provider. Video files are huge and the service provider has daily bandwidth limitations. I didn't work on it every day, but I worked on it whenever I had a few free moments. It took a month to reload all the video.

With the video loaded into the service provider, the final step was to recreate the story boards. The video plays in an order that I create. I don’t want to bore the viewer with hours of the same kind of video, so, I break it up. You can watch ten minutes of one kind of video and then see something completely different.

There are many different video segments: Andover events, Christmas 2010 Podcast from Andover, 90&91 KG Show, 2008 Reunion, 88 Video Yearbook, July 2011 Podcast from Andover, and more!

Story board is finished. The station is relaunched! I even have add some new content. So, be sure to check out 88TV today! You can find it at:


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